My favorite brand of potato chips, Kettle Chips, is having their fourth nationwide vote for a new flavor. If you haven’t had Kettle Chips before, you need to immediately shut down your computer, get up from your desk, and walk to the nearest convenience store. Some of my favorite flavors include Spicy Thai, Cheddar Beer and Yogurt and Green Onion.

In 2006, the winner for a new flavor was Tuscan Three Cheese. There was also so much support for Buffalo Bleu that the company decided to produce that flavor as well. In early 2007, voters selected Island Jerk as the newest flavor. The latest contest choices all have a theme of being either hot or spicy:


The flavor choices include Mango Chili, Orange Ginger Wasabi, Death Valley Chipotle, Wicked Hot Sauce and Jalapeno Salsa Fresca. All sound pretty good, but chipotle is overplayed right now. Give me the Wicked Hot Sauce or Orange Ginger Wasabi. Yum.

4 Responses

  1. Youppi

    orange ginger wasabi is definitely sounding the best, and I don’t even like ginger.

    what is your favorite of the ones that are out now, eick? I love the roasted red pepper/goat cheese.

  2. Eick

    Well, I noted my three favorites in my blog post, but Spicy Thai is probably the one I like the best. I haven’t tried the Island Jerk or Buffalo Bleu though.

  3. Ruca Bangs

    Island jerk is pretty yummified, sweet and tangy. Buffalo Bleu tries to do way too much, but if you like your chips with three layers of distinctly different tastes, give it a whirl!


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