A Brief History of the Cream Cheese Filled Bagel Eick February 26, 2008 Breakfast, Cheese, Interesting 10 Comments My last post which questioned the uniqueness of the new Kraft Bagel-Fuls (that I originally wrote about last Thursday) was getting filled up with endless updates, so let me summarize in a new post what my research about the history of this concept has discovered: An eagle eyed reader over at Serious Eats spotted a cream cheese filled, normal shaped round bagel, at the website for SJR Foods: Turns out, the product seen above is called the “Unholey Bagel” and was released by SJR foods in 1997. Larry Baras is credited as the inventor by some sources. However, A U.S. Patent for the idea of a cream cheese filled bagel was issued on May 7, 1996 to a man named Alvin Burger. It is unclear what Burger’s involvement with the “Unholey Bagel” is, but he was working to patent the idea around the same time, after he lost the rights to a product he invented called the “Bagel Ball” while he was the owner of Roasters & Toasters. Alvin Burger holds a U.S. Patent not just for the idea of a bagel pre-filled with cream cheese, but for the boiling process, steaming process and forming process involved in making it. He is also credited with founding Al’s Famous Filled Bagels, and for creating Bagel sticks and New Orleans style bagel sticks. For those who did not see my earlier update, there is an article from Chicago Business which may answer a lot of people’s original questions. It appears, based on the article, that Kraft’s new Bagel-Ful’s are intended to be bagel STICKS, not full bagels. Also, they are intended to be microwaved, not toasted. The following two tabs change content below.BioLatest Posts Eick Latest posts by Eick (see all) Fast Food Bracket Round 1: Jack in the Box vs. Five Guys, KFC vs. Checkers - March 3, 2016 BK’s “Polygameat” Campaign Shockingly Similar to Wendy’s “Meatatarian” Campaign - September 16, 2014 Surge Wins Discontinued Foods Bracket! - April 12, 2013 10 Responses sandy scott January 22nd, 2009 i was told to go to your website to get a coupon to try out the bagelful’s but i don’t see any coupon’s can you send me some. thanks Reply alvin burger January 28th, 2010 your bagelfulls are great please cotact me and email the name of the person i can contact by phone Reply Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Current ye@r * Leave this field empty
sandy scott January 22nd, 2009 i was told to go to your website to get a coupon to try out the bagelful’s but i don’t see any coupon’s can you send me some. thanks Reply
alvin burger January 28th, 2010 your bagelfulls are great please cotact me and email the name of the person i can contact by phone Reply