Back in May, I noted that Burger King had begun selling the Angry Whopper in Europe and questioned when we in America would get access to this delicious sounding burger. The answer: it has arrived.
As of January 5, 2009, you can now buy the Angry Whopper at Burger King until March 30. So what is the Angry Whopper? It’s a Whopper with spicy crispy onions, jalapeños, pepper jack cheese, bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise, and spicy Angry Sauce. Yum. As I’ve said before, jalapeños and a little spice makes almost anything better, although I’m skeptical as to what exactly a “spicy crispy onion” is. Also, is the bacon really necessary? Wouldn’t this be just as good without it?
The new commercial for the Angry Whopper has to be one of my favorite Burger King commercials of late, featuring onions “born from fertile soil…but raised on anger” by, who else, a sadistic farmer.
It seems that Burger King is really going for that home-grown country feeling for this new Angry Whopper.
To promote it, Burger King has also created an Angry-Gram website, where you can fill out an “Angry-Gram” letting people know they annoy the hell out of you:
Others have already reviewed the Angry Whopper, giving it a 7 out of 10 and calling it “damn tasty.” However, they note it wasn’t as spicy as they hoped:
The only anger I get from the Angry Whopper is the anger I feel for it not being spicy enough. The red Angry Sauce was more peppery than spicy, the onion rings tasted normal, and the pepper jack cheese produced jack shit in terms of spiciness. The pickled jalapeno was the only ingredient that produced any spicy heat.
On an angry scale of one to ten, with ten being Naomi Campbell beating your ass with a cell phone for not ensuring her Starbucks order was at her desired temperature of 63 degrees Celsius and one being an even-toned “I’m disappointed in you from your laid back parents who don’t really believe in discipline, the Angry Whopper was a three, or a quick Three Stooges-esque slap to the head.
I haven’t eaten a Whopper (or any fast food burgers for that matter) in ages, but I can’t wait to try one.
Photo and info via Business Wire.

Neat blog, but this might have been better (more helpful, more informative) if you’d tried the product before reviewing it.
@shock A. con
This wasn’t a product review, therefore I felt no need to try it. This post was about the introduction of, and initial marketing of, the Angry Whopper.
It’s unbelievable that with ALL THE INFORMATION out there about how badly processed the meat is in these fast food burgers and how bad it is for your health that people are still eating this garbage. A nation of morons…
I’ve had the Angry Whopper in the US with very little concern of it being too spicy, given American tastes. However, I just came back from Korea and I saw they had the Angry Whopper out there and a somewhat amusing TV ad to boot. It was enough for me give it a try at a bus transit station to fill my hunger at the stop. All I can say is I took three bites and I was floored. I had to put it down, gulp the rest of my soda (which I know doesn’t help but spread the heat, however it was all I can do to stop the initial pain), have my wife order me two cups of ice cream to relieve the lingering sting, and wrap the remaining 3/4 of the burger left and dump it. It was insanely hot. Definitely not the peppers because I took those out before I ate. The sauce was the killer. Definitely Korean version lives up to the name. It didn’t have the bacon or the spicy crispy onions. Just a plain whopper with sauce and peppers added. Still, countries have their own tastes and techniques. Unless you are a fan of destroying your taste buds, I would recommend just sticking with the US version.
No matter what u guys think…I really like it. Of course it’s not too spicy. The european version is quit spicy…at least in holland. I like the taste of it and it def tastes better than that disgusting big tasty they serve at mcdonalds. As long as they serve the angry whopper, I will buy it. Today I’m going to eat it with twisted fries and a nice strawberry milkshake.
this is the best hamburger i have ever tasted period………
this is the best burger hands down
i miss…this burger…. rip angry whopper…rip…
These are so good, I just had one today. They are back at BK!
I want angry whopper to come back my favorite burger