On the heels of my colleague Sam asking which style of french fry is your favorite, a recent report out of Harvard suggests that eating certain foods – especially french fries – results in significant weight gain.

Cue Debbie Downer.

While it is not news that fries pack on the pounds, the fact that they are the worst offender in a sea of tragically unhealthy choices is a sign that maybe the fried potatoes are the true monster lurking in your Happy Meal.

I love this infographic here, which points out how much American’s eating habits have changed for the worse.   It’s likely that french fries of all varieties have played no small part.

Does this affect the way you view the crisp, golden, salty sides?

Thanks to the Post for the graphic.

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6 Responses

  1. Dave

    I cringe whenever journalists write about science. Most haven’t a clue as to how to read a study critically, and pass that ignorance on to us. I looked at the WSJ article describing the graph, and saw nothing about the actual methodology. Be sure of two things: people will lie about what and how much they eat; authors of studies need some kind of conclusion to validate their efforts. The conclusions I see above are not warranted from the data given. There is for example, no attempt to look at interaction of the different groups of foods. For example: artificial sweeteners – like those in diet soda- have been shown to stimulate insulin production, just like sugar does. Insulin metabolizes starches; blocks metabolism of fat, and helps to store it in our cells. Call it the evolutionary method of no rich meal going to waste (Instead it goes to waist!). NOW: supposed person A regularly has a diet soda with his meal. If he were to eat an extra serving of starchy potato, it would not be as bad as an extra serving of a fatty potato chips. It’s not about the potato: it’s about the total behavior.


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