It’s Monday, meaning it’s time for another Eating Styles poll. Last week we did a poll about taco meat in honor of National Taco Day. This got me wondering about other national food holidays, so I looked up today’s date and found out today is National Fluffernutter Day.

A fluffernutter is a sandwich with peanut butter and marshmallow creme. They are a cult favorite, but growing more popular. Check out this restaurant in NYC that specializes in them.

What do you put on your sandwich besides peanut butter, So Good readers? Choose your favorite options below and explain in the comments.

[poll id=”387″]

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My name is Sam and all I care about is food.

14 Responses

  1. Smokin'

    No jelly option? The fluffernutter sounds pretty good – I’ll have to go and buy a jar of that white, sweet stuff and try it out.

  2. Not-so-famous Dave

    Ditto Smokins’ response. I guess a PBJ warrants its own scientific classification? Genetically distinct from a Peanut Butter Sandwich? In that case, I’m goin with honey. As a child, I discovered that the high water content of an iceberg lettuce leaf kept it from sticking to the roof of your mouth.

  3. Sam

    @Smokin’ and Not-so-famous Dave – I figured jelly/jam was a given, you know? And yeah, a PBJ is a different beast than a peanut butter sandwich.

    @Technicolor Yawn – good call. I added the option in.

  4. Mandi

    There’s a bar down the street from our house that makes a burger called the “Nutty Buddy”. It’s really just a burger with peanut butter and all the normal fixings (minus ketchup and mustard), but it was PHENOMENAL. While trying to recreate it at home I found out that the key combination for this delicious meal was the raw onions with the peanut butter. Sounds disgusting, but it’s soooo good.

  5. Teddy Izzo

    I think i just shed a tear when I read raw onion. (see what I did there?)

    Cheese AND bananas. Don’t knock it till you try it. I suppose that applies to the onions as well…

  6. Sam

    @Bob and Mandi – I’ve heard a lot about peanut butter on hamburgers but I’ve never tried it. It makes sense, though. Peanut butter is often thought of as a “sweet” condiment, but it can be just as easily applied to a savory dish.

  7. Erin

    Definitely Jam for the win. But this past weekend I put a little caramel sauce and sea salt on top of an open face PB sandwich – delicious!


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