Voting on this match-up is closed. Fruitopia (64%) defeats Orbitz (36%).

Fruitopia was created by Coca-Cola in 1994 and was intended to compete with Snapple and other increasingly popular fruit flavored beverages. In 2003 it was discontinued in the United States, although it still lives on in Australia & Canada as a juice brand.

Orbitz was introduced by Clearly Canadian in 1997 and quickly disappeared due to poor sales.

Fruitopia vs. Orbitz


(Click to enlarge and see full bracket)

Discontinued Foods Bracket

3 Responses

  1. Scrooge

    Orbitz and Fruitopia were delicious 😮 It really depended which Orbitz you got for the spheres to taste good 🙂 Fruitopia was always delicious no matter which flavor. I wonder if it’s possible for those drinks to come back to the US. Is Orbitz out of business or just elsewhere? I wonder if anyone can re-register such a trademark


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