It’s Monday, which means it’s time for another Eating Styles poll. Breakfast has popped up a lot in these polls – from kids’ cereal to diner choices and omelette fillings – but we’ve never paused to ask, do you actually eat breakfast?


We’ve all heard it’s good for us, but not all of us eat breakfast. Sometimes you just don’t have time, and others you just don’t feel like it. As for myself, breakfast is a rarity – I’m just never hungry in the morning. So what is it, So Good readers? Do you eat breakfast, or do you let that cup of joe hold you over until lunchtime? Vote below and explain your answer in the comments.


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My name is Sam and all I care about is food.

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3 Responses

  1. TJ

    I usually eat something in the morning but it’s more of a snack.. I wish I could eat a big breakfast every day because it’s delicious but for some reason I’m usually not very hungry until lunchtime.

  2. dagrappler

    My parents used to force me to eat all sorts of crap like waffles and pancakes, too sugary, too carby and made me have acid indigestion all day long. I stopped eating breakfast in college, lost about 15 lbs and all the reflux during the day went away. I don’t eat until at least 12, sometimes 1pm, just drink water in the morning until I get hungry in the afternoon. My weight is proportionate for my height and my cholesterol/blood sugar ratings on my last checkup were fine, so it proves you don’t HAVE to eat breakfast to be ok. The entire nation of Spain pretty much does nothing for breakfast and they somehow manage just fine…


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