I’m back in a new pork groove. I was on a bit of a hiatus while I transitioned to a new job. Now that life has settled down it’s time to get back into eating odd things for your amusement. This week I found another pork-head-based product that I have been looking for, souse. The difference between souse and head cheese is that souse usually contains pickled vegetables or relish. Additional vinegar is added so you wind up with a pickled pork product, which I have had limited success with. Since souse is fully cooked I was prepared for a taste right out of the package. The initial flavor was heavy with vinegar but did carry a strong pork taste as well. The texture was tough and chewy; for something fully cooked I expected to have more of the gelatinous, cartilage texture rather than something that tough. I tried pan frying it to see if some heat would help with the texture. I hoped to be able to serve it with a fried egg and bring chicken and pig together again in perfect harmony. Sadly, that was not meant to be. It broke apart into liquefied gelatin and random pork bits. I tried a bite from the pan and it was actually very tasty. The heat softened things up and helped the texture quite a bit. I replaced the melted gelatin with a scrambled egg as a binder. The egg soaked up the fat and bound up the meaty bits like a champ. Once the egg was set I dove in and was rewarded with a tasty dish. Granted, it didn’t look pretty, but it tasted great. Crispy, slightly chewy with the softness of the eggs to hold it all together. The vinegar flavor mellowed a bit but was present, the pork flavor was right upfront. A complete bite really reminded me of hash, which is a great thing in my book. This is a tough one for me to rate: I liked the flavor but not the texture when it was cold. It might be better at room temp served like pate, and i will try that. Cooked it lost all of its form but gained a lot of texture and flavor. In the end I’m giving souse a “Try It” especially you you find someone who likes it and knows how to serve it. The following two tabs change content below.BioLatest Posts mark Latest posts by mark (see all) Pizzeria Bianco Review: Is it really the best pizza in America? - December 10, 2013 Truffle Fries Review - December 5, 2013 Breaking News! Jack In The Box to Release Fajita Ranch Melt Sourdough Sandwich - December 3, 2013 Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Current ye@r * Leave this field empty