Taking The Plunge: Fun Tea Infusers Andy December 27, 2012 Cool, Sliders Fact: Tea is the most popular manufactured drink in the world in terms of consumption, equaling all other manufactured drinks in the world – including coffee, soft drinks, and booze combined. So, since...
Dear Santa: My Food Geek Wish List Andy December 20, 2012 Holiday, Sliders 1 Comment I'm not an easy person to buy Christmas gifts for. During my teen years, I could instantly transform any joy my Mother hoped to receive by watching me open a thoughtfully selected gift, into absolute horror,...
Chow Time: Christmas Meals On The Front Line Andy December 13, 2012 Holiday, Interesting, Sliders Regardless if their new homes were muddy trenches during WWI, mosquito netted barracks in Vietnam or a battleship in the South Pacific, thousands of miles away from home at Christmas, soldiers still celebrated...
Oh Grease-mas Tree: Junk Food Ornaments Andy December 6, 2012 Comedy, Cool, Holiday, Sliders 3 Comments Visions of sugar plums dancing in ones head is passe. It's fitting, that during a Holiday known for excessive carb loading, we as a society would want to celebrate the season by adorning our balsams and firs...
Pizza Hut Perfume Unleashed in Canada Andy December 5, 2012 Bizarre, Fast Food, Pizza Yes folks, only in Canada can you be the proud owner of a bottle of perfume that smells like pizza dough. Not content with the 2012 WTFery that is the Hot Dog Stuffed Crust pizza, the Canuck Hut produced a...
Hungry Hungry Hit List: Epic Food Groups Andy November 29, 2012 Celebrities, Interesting, Sliders 1 Comment It's far too easy to compile a list of food named musical acts with the likes of "The Red Hot Chili Peppers", "Bread", "Meatloaf" or "Vanilla Ice" for that matter. No, there are plenty more obscure, often...
In Your Face: Celebrity Food Portraits Andy November 22, 2012 Bizarre, Celebrities, Cool, Sliders Marble, water color, oil, clay, Froot Loops. Wait, what? Yes kids, art is now in both the eyes and stomach of the beholder, as obsessed fans have begun fashioning intricate, edible works featuring their...
Turkey Coma 2012: Not Your Granny’s Thanksgiving Andy November 15, 2012 Cooking, Holiday, Sliders 1 Comment The last time someone tried to make Thanksgiving Dinner exciting again was when Joey got that gigantic turkey stuck on his head on an episode of "Friends". BTW, Mr. Bean is still looking for his royalty...
Duly Noted: Grand Theft Lunchroom Andy November 8, 2012 Comedy, Sliders A person who knowingly pilfers other co-worker's meals from the staff lunch room is the same troll you experience in other facets of your day to day. This is someone who will also cut in line at the movie...
Left Behind: Extra Halloween Candy Rescue Andy November 1, 2012 Candy, Holiday, Junk Food, Recipes, Sliders 1 Comment Due to Hurricane Sandy & her stubborn efforts to remain a CNN headline for as long as tropically possible, many East Coast households are waking up to a much larger pile of leftover Halloween candy this...