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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 3/1/11

Taco Bell offering $.88 crunch wraps. Rachel Ray discusses the fare at the Burger Bash. Burger Beast also recaps the Burger Bash. Ecopreneurist profiles DC-based Sweetgreen. Mother Jones weighs in...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 2/24/11

Limited edition "Daft Punk" Coca-Cola bottles. Serious Eats introduces a drinks blog. Bittman unleashes on McDonald's oatmeal. A new Carmelo sandwich at Carnegie Deli. How to make milk...
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New Domino’s Chicken Wings

Domino's got a lot of press a little over a year ago when it totally revamped its traditional pizza recipe. I was proud to have been a part of that campaign while working with Domino's social media team in my...
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Pizza Cake

Enjoyable article yesterday about Debbie Meyer, who runs the website My Pizza Cake. The product: cakes that looks like traditional pizzas, right down to "meat" and "veggie" toppings molded out of various types...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 2/14/11

Diet Pepsi catching flak for its "skinny can." Who made Whoppie Pies first? Serious Eats investigates adult chocolate milk. New restaurant in Columbia Heights from the owners of The Diner. In Adams...