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Meat Cards

Have you ever thought to your self, "my current business card is fine, but what I'd really like is a business card that will instantly repel any potential clients or business partners who are vegetarians or...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 4/27/09

McDonald's is rolling out a $4 Angus burger. Confirmed: the next Top Chef will take place in Las Vegas. Pizza Hut is looking for a summer "Twintern." Pantry staples: cheaper to buy or make from...
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Bacon Wins Meat Madness!

In four days of voting this week, Bacon, the #1 seed from the Pork Region, has defeated Steak, the #1 seed from the Red Meat Region, to claim the title of Meat Madness champion and greatest meat in the...
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Kentucky Grilled Chicken

Despite the fact that chicken was just defeated by bacon in the Meat Madness tournament, KFC has nevertheless decided to move ahead with their plans to release grilled chicken. Starting on Monday, Kentucky...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 4/16/09

Padma Lakshmi...naked. Matthew Yglesias writes about the "health aura" of food. Man trapped in blueberry waffle mix. Red Hook releases Slim Chance. Cheez-It Scrabble. What mustard's are in your...