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Newman’s Own Branching Into Pizza

Newman's Own is expanding beyond salads and snack foods, and have introduced new Thin and Crispy frozen pizzas. They will be test marketing them in five places: New England, Albany, NY; Milwaukee, WI;...
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So Good Blog/News Round-Up 10/23/08

Dunkin' Donuts have a new website touting their taste test victory over Starbucks. AskMen has a new offering of Manly Meals. Endless Simmer presents the Top 10 weirdest food Halloween costumes. Arby's...
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Acid Trip Broccoli

This hilarious and bizarre gem comes courtesy of the fantastic food blog bread & honey who discovered something very, very interesting in the packaging of some Cascadian Farm frozen broccoli. Can you see...
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Blogger’s Choice Awards ’09

Well, it's that time of year again. Voting is now open for the Blogger's Choice Awards '09. Like last year, I have placed So Good in nomination for Best Food Blog and Best Humor Blog. I would really...