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Flash Mob Invades Grocery Store

On January 31, in the original Whole Foods grocery store in Austin, Texas, a group of people assembled into what is now referred to as a flash mob.  Made famous by the mob that appeared in Grand Central...
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Classic Coke Now Just Coke

Word on the street is that the "Classic" will no longer be attached to Coke.  This closes an interesting chapter for the soda giant - the Classic title distinguishing the soda from its "New"...
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Super Bowl Snacks Gone Wild

I’m sure many of you are putting together your Super Bowl plans, and either figuring out what to take to a watching party, or what you should make for your guests.  I have an idea of what not to...
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Where Are My Thin Mints?!?

As I have previously reported, the consumer seems to be getting less product for the same price – especially in this economy.  As I recently read on The Comsumerist, I am sorry to say that this...
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Burger Bed Hard To Resist

This is one of the most wonderful things I have seen in a while.  Considering this nation’s obsession with food and sleeping, I can’t believe the idea of a Hamburger Bed has not come...