So Good Blog/News Round-Up 3/23/10 Eick March 23, 2010 News 1 Comment Free cone day at Ben & Jerry's today. Using statistics to find NYC's best pizza. Why salad should be considered "man food." Ten fast food chains with cult followings. The new health care bill...
So Good Blog/New Round-Up 3/19 Eick March 19, 2010 News Endless Simmer's cutest eater contest. Epic Portions walks through its picks for Beer Madness. Jezebel has a "Cake vs. Pie" bracket. Serious Eats looks at 64 foods from the towns of tournament...
Hot Dog Shape Killing Kids? JT February 26, 2010 News 2 Comments The hot dog industry was placed under the spotlight this past Monday when the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended that hot dog makers change the shape of the tubular food item in order to be...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 2/17/10 Eick February 17, 2010 News 1 Comment Fast food calorie counts might not be effective. Burger King will start serving Seattle's Best coffee. Can Wal-Mart help people eat healthier? GrubGrade reviews....bagel poppers? Slice reviews five...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/25/10 Eick January 25, 2010 News Chris Coyier graphs changes in Pizza Hut & Domino's quality over time. Are any foods banned from your office? Huffington Post asks, if you dropped food on the floor, do you eat it? Burger Shoppe...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 12/24/09 Eick December 24, 2009 News Serious Eats looks at the best Christmas beers. The Smart Set defends butter over margarine. An open letter from Cookie Monster. GrubGrade reviews the Toasted Wrap from KFC. The best food books of...
Domino’s Unveils New Pizza Recipe Eick December 16, 2009 News, Pizza 78 Comments Pizza Hut. Papa John's. Domino's. While all of them have experimented to some degree or another in the last year or two with releasing new products or offers (Domino's and Pizza Hut much more so than Papa...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 11/2/09 Eick November 2, 2009 News 1 Comment One man, 30 days, nothing but sausage pizza. Iceland has served its final Big Mac. QSR magazine wonders if the gourmet burger is peaking. What your beer says about you. A Hamburger Today analyzes...
Has Food Branding Crossed The Line? JT October 16, 2009 Breakfast, News 4 Comments No, that is not a Halloween disguise or temporary tattoo on the corn flake cereal icon. Rather, in an effort to maintain its corn flake brand identity, Kellogg’s is going slightly above and...
Soda Companies Turning Back to Sugar? Not Likely. JT October 14, 2009 News, Soft Drinks 7 Comments In what will likely be good news to soft drink connoisseurs out there, Pepsi has announced that on December 28th, they are bringing back a version of their recipe with cane sugar instead of high...