So Good Blog/News Round-Up 3/3/12 mark February 3, 2012 News 1 Comment 1.25 Billion wings will be eaten on Super Bowl Sunday. 10 funniest Super Bowl ads. Listeria scare leads to a hard cooked egg recall. Lawmaker wants ban on taxpayer-funded ad campaigns against sodas,...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/31/12 Andy January 31, 2012 News 1 Comment Food Stamp Police to crack down on junk food abuse. Note to self: don't try the McNugget Diet. I'm sure she would appreciate a dozen Boston Creme over red roses. Does my breast taste coily to...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/28/12 mark January 28, 2012 News 1 Comment New school nutrition guidelines announced. Friendly's and Burger King team up. No fetuses in food in Oklahoma. Mcdondalds stops using ammonium hydorxide in it's...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/24/12 Andy January 24, 2012 News McDonald's turns up the heat in the dipping sauce wars. Soothing nicotine lozenges for kids. Cough, Cough. Man arrested for carrying around booze soaked Gummi Bears. Jolly Rancher introduces new line...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/20/12 mark January 20, 2012 News Taco Bell revamps its menu to include more fresh food. Hitlers personal silverware lands in NYC. USDA proposes streamlining poultry inspections South Korea has resumed food aid to North...
Have Twinkies Reached Their Expiration Date? JT January 15, 2012 Junk Food, News, Snacks 4 Comments One of the most famous brands in US history had a rough week last week. In case you haven't heard, Twinkies, and parent company Hostess, declared bankruptcy last Wednesday - for the second time - and are...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/13/12 mark January 13, 2012 News Paula Deen has diabetes. Up to 113 Food Lion stores closing in the Southeast. Pfizers baby food unit is being sold. Greek Yogurt is big in Upstate New York. Can your charcoal make a difference...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/10/12 Andy January 10, 2012 News Roadkill for the hungry masses. Why do Americans seem to enjoy singing about food? Author points out the gayest food EVER! Chik-fil-A tries out grilled chicken nuggets. Fast Food worker arrested for...
Papa John’s Pizza of the Week: The Archie Bunker Andy January 9, 2012 Fast Food, News, Pizza Apparently when the moon hit the sky, like a big pizza pie, there was no amore but a free racial slur for a Papa John’s customer in New York City on Friday, January 6th. Minhee Cho posted an image of a...
So Good Blog/News Round-Up 1/6/12 mark January 6, 2012 News 2 Comments Self cleaning cheese inspired smart plastic. 19 people ill from drug resistant salmonella. Are you ready for the Dark Vador burger. A new Girl Scout cookie is available this year. Genetically...