Chocolate truffles look amazingly elegant and can be served for any festive gathering. A while back I discovered boozy truffles and instantly fell in love. Chocolate and whiskey are perfect match. Whiskey combined with the rich sweetness of the chocolate makes this dessert unforgettable. This chocolate whiskey truffle recipe is a must try and will leave you coming back for more! IMG_6609 If you don’t like whiskey you can use rum, Grand Marnier, Kahula or any other liqueur. Once you try boozy truffles ,you will never go back to virgin ones. You can also add coffee, vanilla extract, fruit pure, caramel, nuts or whatever you think will get along with the chocolate and booze. It’s really easy to make truffles and the ingredients are simple enough to find in any grocery store. You need only 4 simple ingredients : cream, chocolate, butter and whiskey. IMG_6529 So, come on, follow along and I’ll show you the simple steps.   Mix warmed craeam with chocolate IMG_6533 Add the butter and stir until smooth. IMG_6534 Add the whisky and stir again. IMG_6536 Cover with plastic wrap and chill for 6 hours or overnight. IMG_6538 Take 1 tsp of mixture and roll into a ball. Then roll ball in cocoa powder, to coat. IMG_6548 Chill for one hour or  until completely firm.  Like I said – easy!  Just try not to eat too many at once!   

Whiskey chocolate truffles
Yields 12
A decadent dessert for grown- ups
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Prep Time
7 hr
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
7 hr 5 min
Prep Time
7 hr
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
7 hr 5 min
  1. 6 oz dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)
  2. 1/3 cup heavy cream
  3. ¼ stick unsalted butter
  4. 1 tbsp Jack Daniel's whiskey
  1. Place the cream in a small saucepan and bring it to simmering point.
  2. Remove from the heat and add the chocolate stirring until the mixture become smooth and creamy. Stir in the butter and mix until combine.
  3. In the end add the whiskey and combine.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for 6 hours or overnight.
  5. Spread cocoa powder out on a plate.
  6. Take 1 tsp of mixture and roll into a ball.
  7. Then roll ball in cocoa powder, to coat.
  8. Chill for one hour or until completely firm.
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Nutella lover, coffee addict and a dreamer in love with photography
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Recipe Name
Chocolate Truffles with Whiskey
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